These pictures were taken yesterday morning, on my commute home from Broken Arrow...the morning was crisp with reported temperatures of 19f...there was a very light breeze out of the north. After stopping for coffee at the Starbucks by the Jenks bridge, my steed, "Moab" and I cruised under the bridge, where these two eagles perched in the trees came into view, they were warming themselves in the rising sun.
Traveling freely in the open air, often reveals beauty, and mystery...this next photo I find to be both mysterious, and in a sad, lonely way, beautiful!
I wonder how this bicycle ended up here?... was it a victim of theft, someones joy taken from them to be cast into the river in an attempt to hide a crime?... or maybe simply swept up in a flood many years before?
The only thing I am sure of is that the bike is a "Chicago Schwinn" from the still visible head badge.
As I type through this post I am waxing patriotic... feeling sentimental...but can you blame me,... what with American Bald Eagles, and American made Chicago era Schwinns! The american bald eagle gives me hope, in that as the eagle came back from threat of to american bicycle industry & culture will rise again to regain its place in the clear blue, smog free, open air of America.
I mentioned above "traveling freely"...consider this about bicycle requires no license fee, no fossil feul cost, no tag to purchase, or title to pay for...and it can go anywhere a motor vehicle can go, and many more places that a car can not.
Oh Well, just some food for thought...happy cycling!